Your Hub for Managing Cases With Ease

CaseShield™ automates many of the manual tasks in healthcare fraud case workflow, freeing up your staff to focus on what matters most.

Save time and frustration with organized documents and case files in this centralized hub for all things reporting, tracking, and communication — including financial tracking in accordance with the National Heath Care Anti-Fraud Association’s reporting standards, and state and federal regulatory reporting requirements.

CaseShield™ is fully integrated with the entire suite of products to investigate and manage claims effectively and confidently.   

Product Features

Extensive reporting capability, seamlessly integrated with PreShield, PostShield, RxShield, AIShield, and FWA360Leads.

A fully customizable system based on your specific Payment Integrity and SIU needs.

Document template generation and case linking to external resources.

Current and historic case file management, and documentation storage – including medical records.

Download the Full CaseShield™ Product Feature List

Stay up to date on the latest in healthcare payment integrity, cost containment, and fraud, waste,

abuse, & error.